Annex 4

Meeting of Governmental Entities, Brasilia, 26/03/2002


  • Alcinéia M. dos Anjos Santos – FUNDACENTRO

  • Armand Pereira – ILO / BRAZIL

  • Beatriz Cunha – ILO / BRAZIL

  • Edenilza Campos de Assis and Mendes – DRT / MTE

  • Eduardo Algranti – FUNDACENTRO

  • Elvécio Moura dos Santos – MPT

  • Gil Vicente F. Ricardi – DRT / MTE

  • Luiz Carlos Fadel – COSAT / MS

  • Mario Bonciani – DSST / MTE

  • Sonia Maria Bombardi – FUNDACENTRO


As a result of the actions of PNES, a meeting was held in Brasilia, on 03/26/2002, having as agenda items:

  • Define program coordination: It was proposed to set up an Interinstitutional Operative Group (GOI), consisting of members from MTE, MS, MPT, MPAS, ILO, PAHO, FIOCRUZ and FUNDACENTRO to provide technical and political support to the program. FUNDACENTRO was ratified as the entity responsible for the technical coordination of the program, as it has assumed the theme as part of its political agenda, in addition to providing material and technical support, together with other public institutions, for actions aimed at implementing PNES, since its inception in 2000. It will therefore be the entity responsible for coordinating the GOI.

  • Define common lines of convergence between the different sectors of government involved in the program: Due to the peculiarity of the actions of the different organs involved in the program, it is necessary that the PNES contemplate the specificities of action and their objectives. This is perfectly achievable and should be well defined from the outset so that no unnecessary difficulties are created for the smooth running of the program.

  • Discuss the implementation strategies of the proposals summarized in December 2001: The tables in Annex 1 summarize the discussions on the responsibility of actions, referrals and some deadlines (when possible) of the different proposals that were generated from the Curitiba Seminar and the meeting. of Brasilia on 12/2001. The actions related to FUNDACENTRO and GOI present the completed “referrals” tables. The actions taken by MS / FIOCRUZ / MTe / INSS are awaiting definitions.

  • Set an interinstitutional agenda for 2002: Two meetings were set, the first on April 19, at FIOCRUZ, to discuss the common lines of convergence of PNES, with participants MS, MTE, FIOCRUZ and FUNDACENTRO. The second meeting will be held on 18/06 (date to be confirmed), at FUNDACENTRO, coordinated by the ILO, with the objective of presenting the PNES to trade union leaders (employers and workers) of the sectors of interest, in principle defined as: Construction Civil / Marbles & Ceramic Granites / Glass / Foundries / Metallurgy Mining / Preparation of Lapidary Minerals / Abrasive Mining / Artificial Fibers

  • Phone
    +55 (11) 3388-3534

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    Aclimação, São Paulo - SP

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