With blasting, many types of burrs can be eliminated. The process acts by breaking or compacting and it is a mistake to expect the use of abrasive materials to properly remove them.

The most commonly used materials are glass balls, spherical steel grit and walnut shells or the like.

Glass beads can reach small burrs such as those resulting from machining, sharpening or stamping.
Upon reaching an edge, the sharp corners are kept but smooth and smooth without being razor sharp. The process rounds any roughness that impairs slippage, hence its wide application in the textile industry. Interestingly, at the same time, the piece is clean and with a beautiful satin finish. This is the case, for example, with the deburring of parts of stainless steel windshield wipers where the stamping risks disappear and the shine is eliminated as desired.

10 (1)For the spherical steel shot, the field of heavier parts such as castings is reserved.

Walnut shells, as well as corn cobs and other organic materials, are used for deburring plastic parts as their low hardness does not impair surface gloss.

In the electro-electronics industry the process is very employed. In some cases, glass beads are used with the opposite intention of matting the plastic for stamp adhesion.

Whatever the material, it is important to highlight its efficiency and low operating cost, as well as the ease with which it reaches deep areas inaccessible to other conventional mechanical processes.

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