To choose a water filter you need to know how many “Micra” is the filter element is composed.

What does MICRA (µm) mean?

The unit of measure – Micra – is the plural of Micron or Micrometer, each Micron equals dividing 1 millimeter by 1,000 (thousand) or 0.001 millimeter, as a comparison a normal grain of sand has between 200 and 500 microns and filters most work with retention between 5 and 25 microns.

So when a water filter is 10 Micra specification, it means that solid particles larger than 10 Micra will be retained by the filter, a 200 Micra grain of sand will be easily retained by the filter.

The water we receive in our homes or work accumulates along the way many particles, which end up causing discomfort in everyday life. The shower is equipment that suffers from the impurities of water, as dirt accumulates in its holes – holes – it clogging, disrupting the bath, this problem happens with the discharge valves suffer wear.

Another problem that happens in many homes is the valve of the washing machine, because it is sensitive, any dirt that accumulates in it causes it to stop working and technicians charge a fortune to fix.

It is possible to check the water quality problem by inspecting the water box, how the water stands still occurs when the dirt settles and the bottom can be seen.

To choose the filter some factors must be taken into consideration:

  1. When the filter is installed at the entrance of the house – Hydrometer – it must have high flow, because all the water in the house will pass through it and the filtering element must be equal to or greater than 25 microns;
  2. You should not use filter with activated carbon filter element in the inlet when the water is chlorinated, as this filter will remove chlorine and the water tanks will have unprotected water, without chlorine water will easily contaminate.
  3. When the filter is installed at the point of use, its flow rate will depend on where it will be installed, in most cases small filters meet the need. Filters may have retention of 10 microns or less; already use activated carbon element filter for chlorine removal, it becomes undesirable to take.
  4. For machines or equipment that use water to perform work, it is recommended to use special filters with retention less than 5 microns, depending on the type of equipment, thus ensuring their smooth operation.
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